By Mike Zitterich at Sioux Falls Community Chronicle

June 27, 2023 @ 3:00 PM – The Sioux Falls City Council will hold a Informational Meeting, where they will address the 2023 Sioux Falls Sustainability Plan, a Revision of the Original Plan brought forward a year ago by the SoDak350 Steering Committee of which aligned itself with the Global Agenda of “Stealing Our Property Rights”.

Below, I wrote a 22 Page Essay on the Entire Situation Concerning the Summit Carbon Solutions Pipeline, of which there has been very strong backlash of Landowners, Property Holders, and Citizens all Across the “State” while the Governor has Remained Absolutely Silent on the Topic. Goes to show that ‘she’ may be a Federalist.

Click the Link Below:…/2PACX…/pub…

The “Residents” of the City of Sioux Falls Collectively are Landowners, Property Holders, and a Strong Voice against this Agenda, and led by Mayor Paul TenHaken – we can stand up against this Global Agenda on Behalf of all Landowners of S.D.

If You Support the Fight Being Made by the Lincoln County Landowners, Property Holders, Farmers vs Summit Carbon Solutions – Make Your Voices Heard this Tuesday @ 3:00 PM at Carnegie Town Hall during the City Council Informational Meeting.