We’ve watched Jennifer Beving over the last 6 months (Even though she’s been fighting for much longer than that!) fight hard for home schoolers across South Dakota. We’re so excited for her at this news that she accepted the position as Deputy State Director for Americans for Prosperity for SD!
Via Jennifer Beving: So, since the cat is out of the bag as of this morning, I’m super excited to announce that I have accepted the position as Deputy State Director with Americans for Prosperity – South Dakota.
This position is a natural progression of the public policy work that I’ve been engaged in for the past 4 years. In fact, I first came into contact with AFP when they stepped up to help us pass the homeschool bill in 2021. I’ve kept in contact with them since then by volunteering and helping out in various capacities, so I’m very familiar with their values and mission.
I’ll be able to work from home quite a bit and have an office in Rapid City. I’ll also be traveling to the D.C. area regularly and I’ll be in Pierre for the legislative session. It’s definitely going to be a an interesting lifestyle change for our family! But everyone is super excited about it. The kids think it will be good for me to not have them be my “full-time job, for once.”
The kids were all given the choice to go to public/private school or stay in homeschool and have all decided to stay with homeschooling. But with the girls both in online private high school and able to drive I have much less hands on work to do for their education. Steve and I will both work with E on his curriculum.
It’s going to be a fun new adventure, it’s been a minute since I’ve had a “real” job. I’m excited to see what we can accomplish in South Dakota! I’ll post more as I get started in the next few weeks so you can follow along in my new adventure.
Thanks to everyone who has reached out already today!
From FairSD: