During a time where we’re receiving a flood of information concerning how our government has been spending our tax dollars while we’re struggling to make ends meet and taxes never stop rising, we see our own Secretary of State prepping to ask the state Appropriations committee to hire two more full time employees, one being in the elections division. Gretchen Weible shared this info and said the following:
Via Gretchen Weible:
Our Secretary of State will present their to the joint board of appropriations. If anyone wants to testify on this they can: Joint Committee on Appropriations — 2025
A person may submit a request to appear from a remote site and give testimony before this committee. Submit requests, a digital handout, or written testimony at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting to [email protected].
We need to cut wasteful spending and item number 4 of hiring another FTE is just that. We can’t afford to have another incompetent person in that office. The only reason she is asking for another person is because the heat that has been brought to that office. When you don’t do what you say you were going to do, your constituents have every right to call you out on it.
Let me ask you this: Do you think she would be asking for another FTE if all the emails and calls the office was getting were all praises and accolades? I highly doubt it.
We don’t need a person to be the go between constituents and the SOS office.
**This post is our opinion only**