By Ron Moeller – Spearfish, SD
Tom Lawrence’s column on August 7, 2024, showed his gullibility of a supposed seasoned journalist. His column dealt with the Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz; it was a piece of slobbery fanboy adulation (“…quick wit, his folksy Midwestern dad style…”). Anyone paying attention this past week knows that Walz is in deep trouble with veterans for abandoning his men prior to their 19-month war zone deployment. Walz compounded his reprehensible behavior when he continued to claim a rank he forfeited by running away, he stayed silent when others praised his combat service, and in his own words when talking about his (non-existent) wartime service (remember, the internet is forever!).
Mr. Lawrence tells us that Walz is “…honest, funny and open.” Funny how one week of countless veterans telling the American public the truth about Walz’s character and actions did more to reveal the true nature of this man than a host of Minnesota journalists. And how about Walz’s inaction while Minneapolis burned four years ago, his advocacy for placing female hygiene products in boys’ restrooms and his 30 trips to China while on a teacher’s salary?
On social media, many veterans use the words ‘cowardice’ and ‘stolen valor’ to describe Walz’s dodging a combat deployment and his subsequent actions. I prefer to say he is, and remains, a venal calculating politician without a shred of integrity.
Why would anyone vote for someone so untrustworthy?”