If you aren’t sure and/or are looking to see how and why others are voting on the issues that will be up for a vote on South Dakota’s November ballot, here’s one person sharing how he’ll vote and why (Copied from his FB post):
I’ve had so many friends ask my thoughts about the issues that will be on the SD ballot, I thought I’d share on FB. I plan to vote NO in NOvember on everything except the Medicaid work requirement (Amendment F). Briefly:
1. I am voting NO on Constitutional Amendment E. “E” would change male pronouns in the Constitution to gender-neutral terms or titles. I believe our Constitution is just fine the way it is. Only four states, California, Hawaii, New York, and Vermont use entirely gender-neutral language like the SD proposal. I don’t think it’s necessary that South Dakota make the same woke language changes in our Constitution as these blue states.
2. I am voting YES on Constitutional Amendment F. “F” would allow our state legislature to establish work requirements for individuals who receive Medicaid benefits under the expanded Medicaid program and who are capable of working (i.e. able-bodied people). These changes would not occur until allowed by the federal government. I think a work requirement for able-bodied Medicaid recipients is a good idea.
3. I am voting NO on Constitutional Amendment G. “G” would legalize abortion in the Constitution up to birth, including partial-birth abortions and make it a SD constitutionally protected right. Abortion up to birth is too extreme.
4. I am voting NO on Constitutional Amendment H. “H” would change our voting system. Currently, we have a Primary Election where Democrats run against Democrats and Republicans run against Republicans. Republican voters choose the Republican candidate, and Democrat voters choose the Democrat candidate. The winners than face off in the General Election. The proposal is to create a “top-two primary election.” All candidates for an office would be listed on the primary ballot, regardless of the candidate’s political party. A voter would be able to vote for any primary candidate regardless of the voter’s party registration or affiliation. The two candidates receiving the highest number of votes for a single office would advance to the general election. I like the current system. I think it is simple, direct, and minimizes potential for fraud.
5. I am voting NO on IM28 to prohibit tax on items people consume. The original intent was to eliminate tax on only food in order to help the poor, but it is so poorly written it creates a huge budgetary shortfall by eliminating taxes on everything people consume, including tobacco and marijuana. This would mean either a new tax would be needed (like a state income tax) so the state has sufficient money to balance the budget, or we would need to cut essential services like funding for schools and healthcare. Either way, IM28 would hurt our state’s most vulnerable people.
6. I am voting NO on Initiated Measure 29 to legalize the RECREATIONAL marijuana, including its use, possession and distribution. States that have legalized recreational marijuana and studied its impact have seen increased suicide rates, increased poisoning, increased workplace accidents, increased auto accidents, increase in black market activity, and increase in health problems including mental, pulmonary and cardiac disease. We don’t need this in South Dakota.
7. I am voting NO on the referendum of SB201, the CO2 pipeline bill that undermines local control. A NO vote repeals the legislation. I believe this bill needs to be repealed and the legislature start over from scratch on a new version that has input from landowners and that does not trample local control.