by site admin | Jan 10, 2024 | Opinion Pieces, State
Last week was wild with articles and news stories about child predators in some form or another at different levels of our country. We saw this article about 3 teachers in our area having their licenses revoked due to having inappropriate relationships with students...
by site admin | Jan 9, 2024 | Opinion Pieces, State
This article says it all and explains a lot as to how our government and the elitist attitude came to be over the years. “We really are two Americas, but not those captured in the stereotypical populist class warfare speeches that dramatize the gulf between the...
by site admin | Jan 9, 2024 | Opinion Pieces, State
News broke this week that Attorney General Marty Jackley named Brent Kempema as his second in command. The article states that Kempema lead the investigation on Denny Sanford’s child pornography case, and Jackley said it’s Kempema’s “critical...
by site admin | Jan 9, 2024 | American Citizens, Opinion Pieces, State
Bill Kluck wears many hats between agriculture and politics, and he wanted to share his knowledge of how government is overtaxing ranchers and farmers, which then makes it almost impossible for ranching and farming to be financially successful, causing less and less...
by site admin | Dec 30, 2023 | State
An online discussion ensued between a few legislators a few weeks ago, and I decided to jump into the mix of it as a tax paying voter. I asked for legislation that had teeth in order to make a real difference for voters, starting with tax cuts that were more than...
by site admin | Dec 30, 2023 | Election Integrity News, State
Senate Bill 20 is making the rounds this morning because SD voters notice how easily it can be used against poll watchers who notice and call out election fraud activities. Sadly, it was requested by our Secretary of State, who ran on the promise of cleaning up our...