Just think, by means of bringing forth all these trials against Donald Trump, the Deep State “so called” policy advisers of International Bankers, Foreign Investors, the Lawyers who protect them, all of the Federal Officials, Officers, Agents elected and not elected are not only exposing themselves, but are exposing to the American People the activity, the criminal and civil actions of themselves, the scams, the frauds of which they have been involved in. There are two sides to every issue told in these courtrooms, and if you keep your ears open, you will hear both sides very clearly…

Not only that, but you have the “2023-2024 Congress” representing the Biden Family for related issues concerning Executive Order 13848, 13959, and 13971 of which can be tied directly or indirectly to the Biden’s Family investments in China. Ever heard of an “Unlawful Combination” in trade?

Lets not forget the true power the “States” have under Amendment 10 – by means of all these court trials, investigations fast occurring, and lets not forget, States like South Dakota have countless lawsuits and orders against the Federal Government, including the President. That the “States” themselves have the right under the 10th Amendment to form partnerships, coalitions with each other, to adopt a joint resolution, joining forces by means of their Board of Governors, to submit a special request, or order to advise or demand Biden and Harris to resign their positions, vacate the Federal Executive Office in fear of, and in relation to all of the negative press, the investigations, the trials being brought directly or indirectly against them, thus temporarily allowing the “States” to supplant their person in that roll until the next public election (2024) . Like under the 1777 Articles of Confederation, this maneuver allows the Governors to appoint one of their own into the White House until the States elect a new President.

Has this ever been done before? Well, have the States ever faced such a time as today, where there is so much political divide, and hatred in Washington, that they needed to take that huge step forward?

And, with dialogue coming out today, that Joe Biden is refusing to campaign on his Presidential record, political record ahead of the 2024 Presidential Election, showing signs that he wishes to remain silent on such record, hiding again in his basement, should be a “red flag” that the Deep State is planning for, and attempting to cheat again in 2024.

Folks, we are in the midst of a “revolutionary period”. And like the first time, a period between 1763 and 1783 – we are most likely already halfway in that period, which I now believe begun ‘after’ the Congressional Terms of 2006-2010 when Congress, led by George Bush and Barack Obama spier-headed legislation through Congress that historically placed the American States (people) in harm’s way.

If you relate this “period” to the same period as 1763-1783…

Starting in 2010 – the birth of the Tea Party Movement led to the placement of new political people in Congress, over the ensuing years, the Patriot Movement grabbed hold, leading to the America First Policies being born, agreed to, and adopted, first by rejecting the likes of Mitt Romney, but leading to the Rise of Donald Trump as the leader of that America First Movement – of which flew under the banner of ‘Make America Great Again” …

Like the first revolutionary period, ‘we’ were attempting to declare our sovereignty, break away from the Monarchy form of Government, first by Declaring our Sovereignty (1776), next by Organizing the Colonies Forming the United States For America by adopting the Articles of Confederation (1777), of which showed Great Britain, that ‘we’ were strong, united, and organized – then and only then, did the Monarchy, and the Powers At-Large aka Holy Roman Empire finally, in 1783 agree to accept the fact, that “WE” the people are truly Sovereign as per the agreements made in the Peace Treaty of Paris; and by 1791 – the Americans had finally created, and established their own Central Govt in their image, under their principles, and under their guidance.

The Global Powers At-Large have attempted to maintain some sense of control over the years, mostly by means of the Central Banking System – first by the 1st Bank of North America (1791 to 1802), then the 2nd Bank of North American (1817 to 1828), and finally by the Privately Held Federal Reserve (1913 to Present Day)…

Today, the “Federal States” (not the Republic of Free States) are beholden to the Crown, and with that, the Americans are attempting to free its homemade, 1791 central govt from those people..

These Court Trials, the Investigations are now exposing all of this…

WE are not only now in a 2nd Revolutionary Period, this time not a fight against the Monarchy Govt, but this is an American Fight to “Free” the Federal Govt from the Crown Power Hold on our Government…

What began in 2010, with the Tea Party Movement, then by 2016 with the Patriot Movement establishing themselves under the America First Policies, culminating with the Rise of Donald Trump as its At-Large Rep – and countless “Action Committees” deep inside the States by means of the County and Precinct Committees, the rebirth of the “Voice of the Western Church” aka remember the Black Robe Regiment – Americans are taking a stand, trying to avoid ‘war’ at all costs, but we are in the exact same position in time as our ancestors were by the year 1776…

At some point, ‘we’ will have to Declare Our Sovereign Right that we are Free, Independent, and Sovereign People, Organize ourselves as “Free States” on America, while Demanding, and Ordering their man, their woman to leave our Federal Executive Office, returning that power back to the American People (Free States) aka placing back in that Office one of the 50 Governors overseeing that transfer of power.

Where in that timeline are we? If history has any meaning, we are currently in Year 14 (2023), just as we were during the First Revolutionary Period – 1776 was the 14th Year after 1762 – where in 1763 the revolutionary period began. Just what happened in 2010.

If history repeats itself, then the year 2030 may be the new 1783, when we finally are able to come to some form of agreement to “Restore, and Save the Republic” of which we had first created in the late 1780’s.

Donald Trump ‘served’ his first term from 2017 to 2021, was ousted by means of a coupe, of which has since provided to the American People a glimpse into what the future may bring, by means of all the trials, tribulations, the investigations, the truth being brought out into the open, for all to see. What may lie next, is that the “States” will have to once and for all make their sworn Declaration, that we are tired of, and mean business, if we are to unite, and Take Back America, of which we would have to re-organise ourselves, as one Free Republic, in a fight to restore order, let alone take back control of the Federal Govt.
