It’s highly interesting to see legislators getting so defensive, vocal and critical about a scorecard. It’s also interesting that it comes on the heels of a very revealing legislative session that left many legislators exposed on who they truly serve. I think their vocal criticism and defensiveness reveals that they might be nervous for themselves and/or their fellow buddies in the legislature who are being primaried due to their failure to represent the interests of the people of SD. SD Citizens For Liberty does a great service to the people of SD. I believe they’re helping lead the way in showing us who are the truly constitutional legislators in our state. To view their scorecard along with others we found, visit

May be an image of map and text that says '12:19 l 4GH Senator Brent "B.R." Hoffman 23m + … x Another scorecard, this one from SD Citizens For Liberty and many legislators hate it. Not the bills I'd have chosen, but stand by my record and with my constituents. #glorioussouthdakota SD Citizens For Liberty 5d ، April 22, 2024 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:... See more គមាកតណានក Like Comment Send Drain The Swamp Share … X' May be an image of textMay be an image of text that says 'per general $135M increase spending things due spending on new life scape building take care raises, term saying would never vote we have the the 1092 "60% phone 911 district asked yes this. did this because about ambulance and services District agree Those are corrupt and elected education, examples. This score card the that the people services taking disabled we have emergency our rural district. Who doesn't?! scorecard posted website and being district. Voters need explanations. opponents voters know the truth those people ever follow that scorecard because that even elected body made elected. scores 100% the vote, something'